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President Column: Fall 2023

By Tara Cliff, MPH, RN, LSN posted 09-10-2023 13:21


I hope that everyone has enjoyed a relaxing and rejuvenating summer. I had an opportunity to connect and enjoy the NASN conference in Orlando with several of our members. Definitely a highlight of my year to learn and share in the many great things school nurses are doing on behalf of students around the country.

Our executive leadership team had a summer retreat to ground our work for the upcoming year. We have a dedicated group of nurse leaders around the state who are working with our various SNOM committees to make sure that our students are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.

Our Foundations for School Nurse conference was a success! We had 75 nurses across the state participate, and the 2 day conference went very smoothly. Thank you to the committee for sharing their expertise and giving their time to support these nurses and give them a foundation to start their year off well.

I am excited to start the year, and welcome all of our students back to school healthy, safe, and ready to learn! Have a great start to your school year!

