Job Openings

Job Posting Guidelines

Lead School Nurses/Coordinators who are SNOM members are invited to post current LSN position openings on this webpage at No Charge. Non SNOM members wishing to post LSN positions may do so for a charge of $100 per job position. Job postings must be in a Word format and e-mailed to the web editor ( by Wednesday to be posted on the Webpage by Sunday. Listings will remain on the website for 30 days only.

When posting a position:

Please include specifics of position:

School or District Location

Number of Students

Single School or Multiple Buildings

Grade Levels


Salary range or Contract

List Qualifications and/or Requirements.

List the Name and position of the Contact Person.

Include Address, Telephone and/or Fax numbers, E-mail address or Website where an application may be downloaded.

Include the Deadline for applications to be submitted and Effective Date of position.